(704) 974-7788
Shelby, NC | And Surrounding Areas!
We fix dents and dings from parking lots and things!

About Us

​Mad Dog Dent Removal is a culmination of 22 years' experience from myself (Ali Gholizadeh) in the automotive industry. Before and after attending Nascar Technical Institute (NTI) in Mooresville, NC I worked in and around car dealerships as a mechanic, buying and selling, and management. Then I moved on to owning and operating my own my own car lot. During this time, I became interested in learning about Paintless Dent Removal (PDR). After attending a crash course in PDR training, I used these skills on my own inventory of vehicles and decided to pursue this as a full-time career and close my car lot.
The first bout of experience in the PDR trade was with a 10-year veteran of PDR that catapulted me into a life of pushing dents! I was lucky enough to be thrown straight into an everyday life, of an experienced PDR technician working on high end vehicles in a retail setting, alongside having connections on a wholesale level at dealerships.
Hometown Raleigh, NC was the start of my journey through life where I met my wife having a daughter and three dogs. From Raleigh we moved to Billings, MT for three years and have now moved to Shelby, NC. I am looking forward to building a client base here and the surrounding area with plans to be here for a long time!
In the design of the brand and logo for Mad Dog Dent Removal; my wife and I decided on incorporating our youngest of the family, Apollo! He is a hellion on four legs, but he is our daughter's big friend 😀. Us fathers have a bit of extra work to do when caring for and raising a family. Cleaning, teaching, cleaning, not sleeping enough, cleaning... Mr. Apollo may not be able to remove a dent; he sure can cause one! That's where papa comes into play!
Please visit our gallery to see what types of dents we have documented to see what we can do for you! No dent is the same which means no dent can be treated the same way.